Irvin Manuel Gonzalez
Dr. Irvin Manuel Gonzalez (he/él/they/elle) is an artivist, scholar, community organizer, and teacher. He received his PhD in Critical Dance Studies from the University of California, Riverside in 2021. Gonzalez’s scholarship analyzes how immigrant, queer, and working-class Latin American social dancers navigate hegemonic forces through feeling and creativity while situating creative constructions of/for belonging. In doing so, he examines how Latin American social dancing offers methodologies for social change, looking at how practices of resistance are embodied and embedded in the dance transmissions, dancing, and dance floors of Latine, working-class people. Gonzalez theorizes the possibility for these maneras de ser (ways of being) to inform new approaches to prison abolition work, migrant activism, and transborder belonging. He is a founding member of Primera Generación Dance Collective (PGDC) and a board member of Show Box Los Ángeles (SBLA).
"las cosas que enter(r)Amos
"las cosas que enter(r)Amos (the things we bury)" is a duet that explores queer bodies and queer clubs as ofrendas (altars) for queerness. Engaging Latin American social dance technologies of storytelling, grooving, and altar-making, the work situates queer dancefloors and nightlife as a space to archive queer ways of being, honorings, migrations, and remembrances. in doing so, we consider how our bodies serve as a space to honor queerness past and present in order to continuously practice queer futures.